Version 2.0.4 of Bugz released

A new version of Bugz2 has been released. It contains the following bug fixes. Changed: UI changes to the Send Mail panel. Changed: upgraded the DevMate libraries to the latest version. Changed: Small updates to help file

Version 2.0.3 of Bugz released

A new version of Bugz2 has been released. It contains the following bug fixes. Fixed: problem strange display of inspector bar in the add new comment panel

Version 2.0.2 of Bugz released

A new version of Bugz2 has been released. It contains the following bug fixes. Fixed: problem with sorting priority and status in dropdowns in ticket list Fixed: problem with selecting the add ticket button/menu option multiple times Fixed: problem saving tickets without title

Version 2.0.1 of Bugz released

A new version of Bugz2 has been released. It contains the following bug fixes. Fixed: problem with closing Database Defaults Fixed: problem with adding product Fixed: problem with setting ticket defaults

Version 2.0.0 of Bugz2 released!

After some beta versions, the new version of Bugz2 has now been released. Please give it a try! Beware though that the database has been changed, so make a backup of your database before using this new version. The main changes in this new version are: The user interface has been overhauled. The product list […]

New beta build for Bugz2 (build 144)

A new beta version of Bugz2 is available for download and testing. The most important changes are: Updated Help information Fixed updating sidebar after making changes in Database Preferences Fixed problem with sorting in some drop downs in the ticket details Fixed problem with save button not always becoming active after certain changes Fixed problem with […]

New beta for Bugz 2 (build 141)

A new beta version of Bugz2 is available for download and testing. The most important changes are: Fixed performance problems with bigger databases with a lot of (non-linked) attachments. Added option to disable making backups. Fixed problem removing the wrong old backups Remember last selection in sidebar after restarting Bugz You can download it from […]

New beta of Bugz 2 (build 140)

A new beta version of Bugz2 is available for download and testing. Apart from bug fixes this beta contains the following new functionality: Add ability to set the location for the automatic database backups Add ability to export selected tickets as a CSV file You can download it from the product page or via the […]

Another beta of Bugz2

A new beta version of Bugz2 is available for download and testing. This version changes in the way attachments can be views and some bug fixes. You can download it from the product page or via the button below. [button style=”btn-primary btn-lg” icon=”glyphicon glyphicon-save” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Download Beta Bugz2!” link=”” linkrel=””]

New beta of Bugz2

A new beta version of Bugz2 is available for download and testing. This version contains only bug fixes. You can download it from the product page or via the button below. [button style=”btn-primary btn-lg” icon=”glyphicon glyphicon-save” align=”left” iconcolor=”#ffffff” type=”link” target=”false” title=”Download Beta Bugz2!” link=”” linkrel=””]